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Update: Property Assistance Information

February 14, 2023

UPDATE (2/16/23 @ 4:30 p.m.): The property return process at Berkey Hall has ended for the day and the remaining property has been turned over to MSU DPPS.

Anyone who still needs to retrieve property should call us at 517-355-2222 and schedule an appointment for pick-up.


EAST LANSING, Mich. — We understand that some members of our community have property that was left behind in Berkey Hall and the MSU Union, and we are ready to begin a coordinated effort to reunite members of our community with that property that may have been left behind.

Starting tomorrow, Wednesday, February 15, the FBI’s Detroit Field Office and Victim Services Division will be assisting Michigan State University students, faculty, and staff to recover personal items.

Students or representatives of students who were in the MSU Union are welcome to meet FBI employees and victim specialists at the West entrance of the Union beginning at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 15.

Faculty and staff who were in or have office space in the MSU Union are welcome to arrive at the West entrance beginning at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 15.

Students who were at Berkey Hall are welcome to meet FBI employees and victim specialists at the East entrance to Berkey Hall beginning at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, February 16. For faculty and staff who have property in the building, guidance will be shared soon about how to retrieve your items.

Each person will be met by FBI victim specialists and special agents who will assist them beginning at check-in and continuing through retrieval of their belongings.

If possible, please bring a form of identification to the check in. We recognize that student IDs, driver’s licenses, and other typical forms of ID may still be inside the building. Please do the best you can. No one will be turned away without further assistance.

We recognize that the incident has significantly impacted everyone involved. For anyone who is interested in speaking to a mental health professional, they will be available on site as well.  

Our hope is that this process will aid our community in retrieving personal property in a safe and orderly manner. The MSU Department of Police and Public Safety will be working jointly with the FBI to assist the Spartan community. We are all in this together. 



Dana Whyte, Communications Manager and Spokesperson, Michigan State University Department of Police and Public Safety

Chris Rozman, Chief of Police, Michigan State University Department of Police and Public Safety