Police Records & FOIA


The Police Records Unit is responsible for processing all police reports including incident reports, traffic crash reports, and citations. If you have any questions, you can email records@dpps.msu.edu, Call 517-355-1830, Fax 517-432-1401

To obtain a copy of your adjudicated report (closed or dismissed), a letter of confirmation for lost, damaged, or stolen property on open cases, or for a local criminal history background check; please complete the Request for Disclosure of Police Records Form. Once the form is complete, return it to MSU Police and Public Safety.

For third-party background checks, please complete the Background Investigator Form and return it along with your business card and signed release form to the front desk, or email the documents to records@dpps.msu.edu.

For documentation of car crashes and accidents, MSU completes a State of Michigan UD10 Traffic Crash Report form and submits the data to the State of Michigan. Insurance companies typically request a copy of the crash report if you have been involved in a traffic crash.

There are two ways to obtain a copy of your traffic crash report.

FOIA requests to receive police reports or other documentation can be submitted by following the MSU FOIA procedures and guidelines through the MSU FOIA Office.