Detectives and officers assigned to the Community Care Unit respond to reports of students, employees, or others on campus who have engaged in behavior indicating a possible threat of harm to self or other members of the community.
A member of the Community Care Unit also serves on the MSU Care and Intervention Team (CAIT). CAIT strives to promote individual well-being and success, while also prioritizing community safety. Utilizing a collaborative and proactive approach, the team is committed to identifying, preventing, assessing, intervening, and reducing threats to the safety and well-being of the MSU community.
The team is comprised of representatives from the following university offices: Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS), Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Faculty and Academic Staff Affairs (FASA), The Graduate School, Human Resources, Department of Police and Public Safety (DPPS), The Office for Civil Rights/ Office of Institutional Equity (OCR/OIE), The Office for International Students and Scholars (OISS), The Office of Student Support & Accountability (OSSA), The Office of Undergraduate Education (UE), Residence Education and Housing Services (REHS), Resources Center for Persons with Disabilities (RCPD), and The Office of the General Counsel.