Community Program Participation


MSU Police and Public Safety regularly provides presentations free of charge to students, faculty and staff on issues concerning safety and well-being. Presentations generally last one hour and include time for questions. Topics include general safety, alcohol and other drug danger awareness, and responding to an active attacker-Run, Hide, Fight®. In addition, throughout the year, our department participates in campus events with crime prevention and education display tables staffed by an officer.  MSU DPPS also offers additional training on responding to an active attacker (Run, Hide, Fight) and Active Violence Incident (AVI) training.  For requests specifically related to the Run, Hide, Fight program or additional training on AVI, please reach out to Captain Dan Munford at

MSU Department of Police and Public Safety regularly provides presentations free of charge to students, faculty, staff and Spartan families on issues related to campus safety and well-being. Presentations are offered on a variety of topics including:

  • General Safety (Personal Safety)
  • Alcohol and Drug Safety (Drunk Goggle Demonstrations) 
  • Criminal Justice Profession Presentations 

Throughout the year, our department actively participates in community events both on and off campus. We are able to accommodate most requests to set up table displays featuring resource material and MSU Police branded giveaway items, staffed by a member of our Community Liaison Team, a police officer or a combination. 

We also have a Police Comfort Dog, who can be requested to participate in events to engage with members of our community. 

If you would like to request a presentation, event representation, tabling partnership or a visit from our Comfort Dog, please reach out