Office of the Chief
Mike Yankowski is the MSU Department of Police and Public Safety's Chief of Police and Executive Director of Public Safety. The Office of the Chief consists of the department's Communications Manager, Internal Affairs, Financial Operations, Emergency Management, Fire Marshal and Fire and Life Safety. Chief Mike Yankowski is also assisted by an Executive Staff Assistant who helps with scheduling, appointments, and other duties as needed..
Police Services Bureau
The Police Field Services Bureau is led by Deputy Chief, Chris Rozman and Deputy Chief, Akin Bryant. . Deputy Chris Rozman oversees the Patrol Division which includes Road Patrol Command, Community Policing, and Specialized Units (K-9, Bike/AI). Deputy Chief Akin Bryant oversees the Investigations Division, including Investigations Command, Crime Analysis, Community Care Unit (CAIT), Specialized Units (SVU/DFCCU/CSI), Social Workers, and Special Response Team.
Support Services Bureau
The Support Services Bureau is led by Director Ryan Doyle. The bureau oversees Records Management, Clery Compliance, Property and Evidence, and Quartermaster / Fleet.