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Security & Fire Safety Report

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At Michigan State University, safety is taken very seriously. Each member of the campus community, including students, faculty, and staff, should take an active role in preventing and reporting incidents that jeopardize safety on and around campus to the MSU Department of Police and Public Safety.

Michigan State University, in compliance with the Clery Act, publishes an annual report to provide its students and employees with an overview of the university’s security and safety resources, policies, and procedures. The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report is produced by the Clery Act Compliance Coordinator and is distributed annually to all current students and employees. A paper copy of the report may be obtained by contacting the MSU's Clery Act Compliance Coordinator. The university also reports the annual crime and fire statistics contained in this report to the U.S. Department of Education.

The report contains general information about the campus, police and public safety resources, crimes reporting, coordination between law enforcement agencies, fire and medical emergencies, crime and fire prevention, victim support services, university policies, campus facilities, residence hall security, crime statistics, fire statistics, the university's crime and fire log, MSU’s Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct and Title IX Policy, and the MSU Drug and Alcohol Policy. It also contains information about alcohol and other drug health risks, drug and alcohol laws and penalties, campus alcohol and other drug education and counseling resources.

Campus crime statistics included in this report are gathered from a variety of sources, including campus and local law enforcement agencies and Campus Security Authorities (CSAs). MSU Clery Act Compliance Coordinator Maja Myszkowski prepares the report. Her contact information is:

Maja Myszkowski 
Clery Act Compliance Coordinator 
Office of Audit, Risk and Compliance
Hannah Administration Building 
426 Auditorium Road, Suite 10 
East Lansing, MI 48824 
(517) 353-2620

The university established a Clery Compliance Committee in 2015, chaired by the Clery Act Compliance Coordinator, to enhance efficiency and coordination to provide an effective response to Clery Act obligations, including the drafting of this report. This group is made up of representatives from: Student Affairs & Services, the Office of Student Support and Accountability, the Office for Civil Rights and Title IX Education and Compliance, the Office of Institutional Equity, the Office of the General Counsel, Athletics, Sports Medicine, International Studies and Programs, Residence Education and Housing Services, the MSU Department of Police and Public Safety, Student Health Services, the College of Osteopathic Medicine, Infrastructure Planning and Facilities, Risk Management, Health Care, Youth Programs, Continuing Education, Advancement, the Provost’s Office, Human Resources, Real Estate Operations, New Student Orientation, and the Office of Audit, Risk and Compliance. The committee receives training and meets to facilitate compliance is cohesive and coordinated. Specifically, the committee reviews policies and procedures related to Clery, the Annual Security and Fire Safety report drafts, and discusses ways to improve these various components of Clery compliance.

To view a PDF version of the report, click the button below.

This is the most current version of the report. If you encounter a barrier to accessibility, please contact the Clery Act Compliance Coordinator at (517) 353-2620 or to obtain the information contained in this report.