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LIST: What’s in a police officer’s bag?

March 2, 2022

Have you ever wondered what is typically carried in a MSU Police and Public Safety officer’s duty bag? See below to find out.

  1. Michigan Penal and Motor Vehicle Law Field Guide: This pocket-sized reference guide contains the Michigan criminal code, motor vehicle laws and rules of criminal procedure.
  2. Multi-tool: Every officer is issued a multi-tool that can cut different materials.
  3. CPR Microshield: This clear mouth barrier is designed to protect first responders performing CPR. Lightweight and very compact, the mask features a thin, clear, flexible barrier with a 1.75inch ventilator tube.
  4. MSU Campus Map: Did you know the size of Michigan State University’s campus is 5,192 acres?
  5. Stuffed Pony: All officers have the option of carrying a stuffed animal (or two) in their duty bags. In the event an officer encounters a child during a traumatic event, the officer can provide the child with a stuffed animal as a form of comfort.
  6. Deaf/Hard of Hearing Information Sheet: This sheet provides ways for officers to efficiently interact and communicate with those who are deaf or hard of hearing.
  7. Traffic Vest: Traffic vests are to be used when officers are working the scene of an accident or directing traffic. The reflective vest allows the officer to be more visible while working in the roadway.
  8. N95 Mask: All officers are issued an N95 Mask.
  9. Elimination Print Kit: These kits are utilized by officers on crime scenes. They are designed to be used in the field to compare prints from employees and/or family members to unknown latent prints recovered at a crime scene.
  10. Hope Not Handcuffs Pamphlet & Business Card: Hope Not Handcuffs is an initiative started by Families Against Narcotics (FAN), aimed at bringing law enforcement and community organizations together to find viable treatment options for individuals seeking help to reduce dependency with heroin, prescription drugs, or alcohol.
  11. Stickers, Officer’s Business Card, & MSU Police and Public Safety General Contact Information Card: We always want to serve as a resource for the community! MSU Police and Public Safety can be contacted at 517-355-2221 or at 911 for emergencies.
  12. LanguageLine Pamphlet: LanguageLine was founded in 1982 by a police officer who sought to overcome language barriers he experienced in the field. LanguageLine is the largest provider of over-the-phone interpretation, providing interpretations for 240+ languages on demand.
  13. Flashlight & Traffic Wand: Traffic Wand is not to be confused with red/white/blue flashing light saber.
  14. Breathalyzer: This device is utilized to estimate blood alcohol content (BAC) from a breath sample.
  15. Naloxone Nasal Spray: This is used along with emergency medical treatment to reverse the life-threatening effects of a known or suspected opiate (narcotic) overdose.
  16. Snacks: Police officers get hungry, too!
  17. Hand Sanitizer: We work to make sure we practice safety and cleanliness everywhere we go.
  18. Nitrile Gloves: These can protect officers from bacteria when on the job.
  19. Evidence Collection Bag: This provides a way for officers to securely collect evidence when investigating crime scenes or other situations.
  20. MSU Police and Public Safety Patrol Manual: This manual is issued to all officers and contains report writing and department policy and procedure guidelines.
  21. Special Victims Unit Options & Resources: MSU Police and Public Safety’s Special Victims Unit is committed to ensuring that all survivors are treated with courtesy, sensitivity, dignity, understanding, and professionalism. The detectives assigned to the Special Victims Unit have received specialized training in trauma-informed interviewing.

Questions? We would love to hear from you! As mentioned above, MSU Police and Public Safety can be contacted at 517-355-2221 or at 911 for emergencies.



Dana Whyte, Communications Manager, MSU Police and Public Safety


Inspector Chris Rozman, Public Information Officer, MSU Police and Public Safety
