Campus safety and security update

January 30, 2024



Spartan community,

As we move forward into the spring semester, I would like to take a moment to provide you all with a campus safety and security update. Throughout the past year, the MSU Department of Police and Public Safety, or DPPS, has been hard at work enhancing several different campus safety and security initiatives. The purpose of this update is to keep you informed of our progress. 

Following the violence our community experienced, we continue to stand together as a community. Below, you will find the status of each safety and security measure along with details regarding each one. MSU DPPS stands committed to ensuring the safety of our Spartan community.

Third-party after-action review
Status: Complete

The third-party after-action review by Security Risk Management Consultants was completed in October 2023. The final report is available for you view at your convenience. 

Work to implement and complete the recommendations within the report has already started, including upgrading electronic building access and door locks, expanding and centralizing campus security systems and developing the university’s new Security Operations Center.

Metal detectors
Status: Complete

In partnership with MSU Athletics, walk-through metal detectors were installed at Spartan Stadium in September 2023 to provide an additional level of security to the venue. This measure was already in place at the Breslin Student Events Center and available upon request at the Wharton Center for Performing Arts.

Metal detectors were also installed at Munn Ice Arena and the MSU Tennis Center during the fall semester. This additional security measure has allowed guests to enter venues quicker, while also ensuring overall safety.

MSU Alert enhancements
Status: In progress

Throughout the past year, MSU DPPS has continued to enhance the university’s mass notification system, also known as MSU Alerts. Previously, MSU Alerts were received via email, text and phone call. This past year, we have added the ability for alerts to be received through the SafeMSU app, in addition to tone-based alerts through the university’s outdoor sirens and emergency Green Light Phones.

In partnership with MSU IT Services, we also are working to integrate Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, to desk phones on campus to play audible alerts. In addition, we are testing the ability to use fire alarm systems with speakers inside of buildings on campus.

We encourage all students, faculty and staff to log in to to review and update your notification preferences. You also can download the SafeMSU app and enable push notifications to receive alerts.

Door lock installations
Status: In progress

MSU Infrastructure Planning and Facilities has worked to install hundreds of new door locks for classrooms and teaching lab spaces throughout the past year. These new locks allow those inside the room to lock the door while still allowing emergency personnel to enter.

As of January 2024, the door lock installation project is 82% complete for identified classrooms. You can learn more about the new locks on our Safety Tips page.
Security Operations Center 
Status: In progress

As part of centralizing our university’s security systems, MSU DPPS continues to develop the new MSU Security Operations Center, or SOC. The SOC is operational in an interim location while the permanent space is being renovated. The permanent space is expected to be ready for use in the coming months.

Full-time employees have been hired and trained to staff the center, which is operational 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The SOC has already resolved several incidents in real-time.

In addition, the university continues to install security cameras on campus as part of its existing safety and security portfolio.

Active violence incident training
Status: In progress

Online-based active violence incident, or AVI, training is now available to all MSU students, faculty and staff. The training is housed on MSU’s AbilityLMS training platform. You can access the AVI Awareness training by logging in with your MSU NetID and password. Once logged in, click the Launch button to begin the course.

The training includes an e-learning presentation and knowledge checkpoint questions to measure understanding. In addition, an AVI training video is in development to include with the e-learning course. Filming for the video is complete and is in post-production review. It will be released this semester.

In addition to the online training, MSU DPPS offers in-person training for students, faculty and staff. To request in-person training, please visit our Community Program Participation page.

Moving forward

As we move forward together, we validate and respect that everyone in our community will have various emotions, feelings and thoughts in the coming weeks. We recognize that everyone’s healing journey is different. Numerous campus support resources are available to assist you.

Together, we will continue to work to create a safer and stronger community for all Spartans.


Marlon Lynch (he/him)
Vice President and Chief Safety Officer
Michigan State University


To hear Vice President and Chief Safety Officer Marlon Lynch elaborate on these topics, listen to this recent MSU Today podcast.