Download the SafeMSU App through the Apple Store or Google Play. Learn more here.
Our department is available 24/7 as a resource to keep you safe. We can be contacted any time at 517-355-2221 for non-emergencies. In the case of an emergency, call or text 911.
We have upheld a long tradition of courtesy and excellence by hiring talented officers with the highest standards of performance. We also offer numerous positions in non-law enforcement careers including full-time, part-time, and student employment.
We all play a role in keeping our community safe. If you see something, say something. To report an incident, text MSUDPPS to CRIMES (274637) along with your message.
Michigan State University Police and Public Safety hosts a Citizen's Police Academy every year to give the community the opportunity to gain experience about various aspects of the department. Applications for the fall 2025 academy will be announced soon.